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Вебинары Cambridge University Press в феврале 2022 года

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Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge University Press) в России  приглашает преподавателей английского языка принять участие в бесплатных вебинарах авторов и спикеров Cambridge University Press в феврале 2022 года.

Расписание мероприятий

10 февраля 2022 года 18.00 мск - Meet Pippa and Pop! Pre-primary fun with Michael Tomlinson and Alexandra Purcell
In this session you will get a unique insight into our new pre-primary course which introduces children to a world of stories and play. Discover the magic in Dan and Kim’s family bookshop and the marvellous, miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! We will explore how the course develops early literacy skills and key life competencies, making it the perfect start to an English-learning adventure.
Регистрация; другие вебинары серии "Pre-primary webinar series: practical techniques for teaching young learners

20 февраля 2022 года 11.35 мск - Людмила Александровна Городецкая  "Teaching for Cambridge First: How the Exam Writing Tasks Can be Broken Down Into Learnable Chunks" в рамках конференции Trendy Exam Challenge
The speaker will demonstrate several writing tasks from B2 Cambridge First exam preparation materials that can be challenging for Russian students. What causes the challenge and how it can be reduced while preparing for the exam will be discussed. Examples of tasks that divide specific writing tasks into manageable bits will help participants of the webinar find a better way of teaching communicative writing in any other programme too. Подробности и регистрация

22 февраля 2022 года 17.00 мск - Language for real life: developing conversation skills in English with Adrian Doff
Developing speaking skills can be a challenge for English learners. What do they need to do to speak and interact effectively in English, and what activities can support them in reaching this goal? Using an in-depth look at students’ performance in a Cambridge speaking test, this session identifies the skills required to succeed and shares the kinds of activities that can help learners to improve, including providing context, selecting appropriate language items, and enabling opportunities for practice and consolidation.  Регистрация; другие вебинары серии "Webinar series: motivate your English learners, empower them for success"

24 февраля 2022 года 15.00 мск - Greg Archer “Using IELTS to Develop Writing Skills” в рамках Cambridge Day на Экономическом факультете МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
In this practical session, Greg will suggest ways to improve students’ writing skills through building their awareness of sentence and paragraph functions, grammatical/lexical range, and completing a thorough planning process (including fully scrutinising the question). By encouraging them to notice differences in language - and to become more aware of both writing conventions and the mistakes they commonly make – you can help them to upgrade their control of writing and language use.
Подробности и регистрация

28 февраля 2022 года - Allen Davenport и Людмила Кожевникова в рамках XIII научно-образовательного форума «Международная неделя многоязычия в УдГУ»

28 февраля 12.30 мск - Allen Davenport 'Empowering Language Learners with Life Skills for Work and Higher Education'
Developing life skills is an ongoing process, and the English language classroom is particularly suited to facilitating their growth. Learning an additional language already involves many of the identified life competencies, such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking, which are indispensable at a workplace or university. Indeed, there are many opportunities to integrate these competencies into our English lessons even further. This session will explore what life competencies are and demonstrate how they can be embedded throughout a language course.
Подробности и регистрация

28 февраля 14.20 мск - Людмила Александровна Кожевникова 'Integrating Life Skills into English Language Programmes'
The workshop will focus on developing students’ life skills alongside the learning journey mapped to the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies. The participants will understand how some life skills develop from Pre-Primary, to Primary, to Secondary, to Higher Education and the Workplace. The descriptions of what learners can be expected to do for each competency by the end of each stage of the learning journey will be discussed. Подробности и регистрация

Также рекомендуем: мероприятия партнеров

► До 10 февраля 2022 года продолжается регистрация на первый тур 7-ой ежегодной межрегиональной Олимпиады по английскому языку «Английский для глобального прогресса», которая проводится на базе кафедры иностранных языков и коммуникативных технологий НИТУ «МИСиС» при участии Cambridge University Press . Победители и призеры Олимпиады получат дополнительные баллы к результатам вступительных испытаний на направление "Лингвистика", преподаватели призеров и финалистов - грамоты и памятные подарки от CUP и НИТУ «МИСиС». И это еще не все! С подробной информацией об условиях участия можно ознакомиться на сайте ОлимпиадыПрисоединяйтесь !